

Ukiyo offers a rich academic program based on the standard Montessori educational philosophy from AMI International, combined with diverse activities such as Music, Fine Arts, Outdoor, Yoga, and Cooking to give students lots of fun and open up opportunities for them to discover themselves and unleash their own potential.

Clean Up

Clean Up

Not only do they prepare children for academics, but the skills they learn are also a natural progression of their development from which most children gain great inner satisfaction which eliminates the need for external rewards.


A kitchen is a place where adults often restrict the activities of children because there is a tendency to think that young children are not suitable in this area. In fact, children are very interested in working, especially chores. Children are completely capable of performing basic chores if they are guided enthusiastically. It is therefore not surprising that children enjoy playing as a family theme or cooking or selling... However, role play is just a simulation game, while the practice of cooking and baking is much more appealing. This activity allows children to make real-use of real-world objects - also bringing many other benefits to the child's development.


Many studies have shown that the period of children from 0 - 6 years old is the period of perfecting gross and fine motor, helping children to be able to self-serve and as a premise for future learning. of children in Primary. And perfecting hand motor skills is one of those great goals. Through practising life and playing activities in Ukiyo, children have the opportunity to practice these movements independently and happily. In addition, they find pottery making is a very interesting activity and help a lot in the process of perfecting skills at this stage.


In Ukiyo, children discover more than one aspect of visual arts depending on their abilities and interests including: painting, crafts and installation. About painting, children will learn about color schemes, characteristics and differences between materials as well as the differences in the use of these materials: watercolor, acrylic, chalk ... and the combination of material in a creative way to create special effects like a way that kids can play with colors…. and lots of other interesting content.


Outdoor spaces support many vital aspects of a child's development, such as sensory development, movement, intelligence, art, providing places to play, learning, sharing stories, sitting quietly, and relaxing. Taking the classroom outdoors is a growing trend in modern education, with increasing evidence proving its benefits to learning, social skills, and health. Sir Ken Robinson, the author of the most viewed TED Talk of all time, said, "We learn more from the world around us and from each other than we can just sit indoors at our desks." What really drives education is curiosity, trying to fill the gaps in our understanding. And the world around us is a great resource to stimulate that curiosity.
Fun Music Fun

Fun Music Fun

Children and adults are both easily attracted to music. Even babies who cannot speak still sway and bounce every time certain music pops up, still humming along with the familiar lyrics and enjoying being sung to by others. Since its birth, the fire of music has been in all of us. If a catalyst cannot be found to blow it up, the fire will die out. However, if suitable land is found, a seed of talent will germinate and bear fruit. Creating a garden full of conditions for the development of preschool music is Ukiyo Preschool's mission.


Dance embodies one of our most primal relationships to the universe. It is pre-verbal, beginning before words can be formed. It is innate in children before they possess command over language and is evoked when thoughts or emotions are too powerful for words to contain. 